For over 40 years Vector has been empowering students like you to work during breaks and flexibly manage their class schedules. Whether it's remote or in-person, all you need is your trusty computer by your side.
Embark on a journey of personal and professional growth with us. Your opportunities are boundless.
Scholarship and Internship Opportunities
At Vector, we understand the importance of supporting students in their educational and professional journeys. That's why we are excited to offer a range of scholarship and internship opportunities for motivated individuals looking to gain valuable experience while furthering their studies.
In addition to our scholarships, we provide internship opportunities that allow students to develop real-world skills in a dynamic and supportive environment. Remote work options are available, providing flexibility around class schedules and other commitments. By joining our team, you will have the chance to work with experienced professionals, and gain hands-on experience that will benefit you in your future career.